Friday, November 7, 2008

Integrity Truly is Everything

So this past weekend, I had the most amazing time.. Along the way, I compromised not only my integrity, but also the way I look to the other people around me.. And all I have to show for it is a really bad hangover and the same relationship, a little stronger, with the guy that I really like.. Heck, I'll even say it, I think I love him..

I seriously compromised my relationship with someone that means the world to me, my biggest influence.. That, my own actions, has hurt me so much.. And now I have to try to regain her trust in me, and I don't even know how.. I don't even think I deserve it.. I don't deserve her in my life, I don't deserve to have her think so highly in me..

I'm a liar, I break promises, I go back on my word for a boy I don't even know likes me or knows I exist..

I got drunk, I probably made a mockery of myself and of the one that means the world to me, and for what?? A BOY?!?!?! Someone that I like?!?!

The only person I deserve in my life is myself..
I don't deserve any of the people that are in my life.. They are all so good to me.. I...I...I don't know what to do anymore..

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