Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Year, New Lifestyle

Okay, new year. I understand this is a little late, but, hey, better late than never, right?

I have this little ad that I'd like to get out into the world. It's a lifestyle choice, so to speak. If you or somone you know smokes, I think I have the solution.

Are you sick of smoking bans? If you could smoke legally where smoking is prohibited, would you be interested in finding out how? It's called inLife—it's an electric cigarette that delivers nicotine through water vapor, rather than harmful tobacco smoke like traditional cigarettes. Check out this website, https://www.myinlife.com/newlyfe, for more info.

PLEASE, help me get this word out. Share this with people you know who smoke, or that you think know someone who smoke. Feel free to copy this post and post it as your own, too.