Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Stress. And life.

For some strange reason, my stress level has miraculously increased, with my health level decreasing..

Choir festival performance/competition this weekend, and I'm sick.. Like really sick; I have absolutely no voice..

I'm stressing out because me being one of two sopranoes that are singing in a selected women's chorus, if I don't get better, we won't be able to compete.. At the moment, my voice is merely a screechy sound.. I keep being told to save my voice.. Don't talk unless it is absolutely necessary.. Which is hard for someone who has always been a chatter box..

Is it true that drinking tea with honey really makes your voice better? And is it true that drinking lots of water when you're sick makes you less sick, because it reduces the amount of mucus that forms?

I hate the extent of things that people say that are almost never true..

And boys just add to the equation.. My guy friend got me sick, two weekends ago, and I still haven't gotten any better..

Haha.. loser..
