Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I guess you could say I'm in love with the most amazing man I have ever talked to and hung out with.

But of course, there is a problem. There always is:
He is married.

He says they have an open relationship, but that doesn't matter to me.

If he and I were to get into a relationship, serious or not, while he and his wife were still together, regardless of it being an open relationship or not, that would still be cheating on her, right?

Now, I've never been a witness to the act of an open relationship. I certainly have heard of them, but never have I actually seen, or (almost) been a part of one before. This is so weird.

And this sucks. I go all this time without a relationship, particularly for the next time I see him, only to find out he's married.

If you can reply to this, and you are interested in helping, please try to find a way to help me.

I hate not knowing what to do in these kinds of situations.